Steve Renals is professor of speech technology at the University of Edinburgh. He is the director of the Institute of Language, Cognition, and Communication (ILCC) in the School of Informatics at Edinburgh. He received a BSc from University of Sheffield and an MSc and PhD from University of Edinburgh. He has held teaching and research positions at the Universities of Cambridge and Sheffield, and at the International Computer Science Institute. He has over 150 publications in speech technology and spoken language processing. He has coordinated a number of large collaborativer projects, including the EPSRC Programme Grant, Natural Speech Technology, and the interdisciplinary EU Integrated Projects AMI and AMIDA, which combined research in speech technology with multimodal interaction, HCI, and computational linguistics to recognise and interpret meetings. He is co-editor-in-chief of the ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing and is an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing. He is a member of the ISCA Advisory Council and an advisory board member for Scottish Enterprise.
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